Thursday, July 30, 2009

7-30-09 Extra Tricks Fun Day Edit

Today me and mark played SSB and then went to citizens and skated for a lil and then we just started filming funny shit and we went to the keugle ball and the funniest fucking band in the world was playing so mark decided to dance haha

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Extra Tricks 7/16/09

It's been too hot to actually skate alot so heres just a few left over clips

IOA: Dustin, Joey Paone, Jon

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

7-8-09 Extra Tricks

Today me and Mark rode bikes to golden city and met up with Dustin, Justin, Jared, and then Joe and Mike came, then later we went to wedge

IOA: Dustin, Justin, Jared, and Joey

Everyone there got footage but most of it is being saved, the first clip is me falling while filming haha, Duts line was a mess up and he rolled with it and just messed around, haha then joey ate a hot pepper, and when he was rollin up at the end he scrapped the wall and hurt his shoulder so i said to give him water and it was filled with crushed up peppers haha

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

(7/4-5/09) Extra Tricks

The whole weekend was spent at wedge and a lot of good stuff was thrown down but heres some stuff thats probably not goin in "Press Play"

IOA: Billy Simpson, Mark, Dustin, and Blake Wetherington

Justin's 4th of July montage