Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Day Of Skating Part2

"A Day Of Skating Part2" or "ADOSP2" as it has gotten to be known as, is the video that I made after the first one, although this time we planned on making a full length skate video, and there were a lot of new people, including: Joey O'Brien, Mark Biedlingmaier, Tyler Koshute, Chris and Josh Chihlas, Ryan Petrille, and Drew Smalz and T.J. Jauss had planned on filming full parts but neither of them got enough footage. We started filming for it around the beginning of summer 2007. We filmed for about a year with new promises of the videos coming out soon, but it just kept getting pushed back further and further. Now it is finally complete and on DVD, but the kid who put them on DVD is a faggot and broke and gave away half of them, so I'm not sure about even selling it anymore, but here are some "previews" of the video from oldest to newest.

haha all the time spent filming for "ADOSP2" was pretty much the most fun of my life so far, i remember in the summer i would wake up everyday at 10 then leave my house by 10:30 and meet up with Austin Tarpey at his house by 11, then from his house we would ride probably 2 or 3 miles to this little metal park called Tombstone, then every single one of our friends would be there, we would skate there until it was dark and ride home, I sometimes wish it was still like that.

This video was made shortly after all of us started skating at "wedgewood" and this kid Chris Dawson had just recently started going there too and he was convinced that he was a "local" and he would beat us up and shit if we went, so Joey and Mark decided to make a song about him, the entire song was done in one try and joey just sang what was coming to his head hah.

For this preview I pretty much just took really good clips from everyones part and edited them together because I thought this was going to be the last preview.


The first clip of this video is Josh Chihlas flipping out because he was scared to ollie the gap, and it is when we just started becoming friends, and he thought that my fisheye lense was pretty cool so I guess he just decided to say he was going to break it haha.

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